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“Hey everyone,

Indigenous activist, Wisdom Keeper and Guardian of the Earth, Shirley Krenak from Brazil is coming to Europe for a few weeks this summer. She comes to share about - and to ask for support for - her traditional Roots of the Krenak tribe, one of the oldest indigenous peoples of Brazil. The Wisdom of her ancestors is very much alive in her. Her drive, energy and mission is extremely powerful to share the important story of her ancestors and current situation with the world! We have already experienced her powerful presence several times here in Europe during the Kiva's.

Support: Her tribe is threatened by the current political situation in Brazil. Their habitat is being threatened by agriculture and mining industry (with several dam breaches that polluted 800 km of river area and made it uninhabitable). She asks for prayer and financial support. Very precisely, she asks for support for rebuilding a ceremonial space for the Ytchó Ytchó Krenak Tribe from the village of Atorãn, which burned down last year. Thank you very much for your support, it is greatly appreciated and all amounts are very welcome!

Thanks, on behalf of Shirley and the Krenak-tribe!


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I'm Shirley Djukurnã Krenak, a native woman from the land of Brasilies. Since I was 13 years old, I have responded to Mother Earth's call to be a representative of indigenous rights and, above all, to fight for the preservation of the environment and ancestral spirituality.

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Marret Ererré


T: (33) 3084-6996


©Instituto Shirley Djukurnã Krenak 2022 | CNPJ: 37.851.560/0001-60

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